[PC] November 8th Update - Boss Helper Max Damage expiry

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Smack, Nov 9, 2011.

  1. Smack

    Smack Kano Krusader

    A small update was made to Boss battles that voids the Max Damage cap enforced on helpers if there is less than 12 hours remaining in the fight. This will allow your Captains to finish off your boss in the final minutes of battle rather than being blocked resulting in you losing the boss battle.
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2011
  2. thank you for this.
  3. nellie97502

    nellie97502 New Member

    Thank YOU that is a wonderful addition to the Boss rule.
  4. Das liebe Beil

    Das liebe Beil Well-Known Member

    Thanks a lot for this update!
  5. Smack

    Smack Kano Krusader

    The Boss Max Damage expiry has been increased to 12hours. This is now reflected in the top post in this thread.

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