XP to level up Double?

Discussion in 'Bugs/Issues' started by TabithaMoon, Jun 15, 2011.

  1. TabithaMoon

    TabithaMoon Active Member

    I am showing that for me to level up I have to get double my XP's. I am level 1852 and I have to get 37,040 XP's to level up. Is there something wrong with my VC account or is this a new change in the game?
  2. yep this is old news

    2500 it jumps again

    3000 it jumps again
  3. TabithaMoon

    TabithaMoon Active Member

    Thank You, I didn't know..
  4. SkylerF

    SkylerF Member

    I believe the specific level jumps in PC are different, though. Just keep that in mind.

    Do ZS and/or Mob Wars have XP jumps?
  5. mob and zs it increases slightly more per lvl than viking and pirate
  6. TabithaMoon

    TabithaMoon Active Member

    Oh, good grief! Sorry guys! My husband came here to leave that question for himself… just used my account to do it! LOL!! I don't even play Viking Clan, much less would I be that high. Thanks for helping out. :)

    Geez… LOL! I better make him his own account. I'm scared about what else he'll post! :D:D:D

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