What happened to the battle list

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Dolus, Apr 25, 2017.

  1. TonyDu

    TonyDu Member

    Much better. Server 2 Pirate Clan on this screenshot. Now can see more undeads there. Keep up the good work trying to fix this. :)

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  2. Doan Azzopardi

    Doan Azzopardi New Member

    Still nothing today. I did get some battle points from a viking in my range that healed (made sure to thank him for it) and a teammate declanning temporarily gave me the rest, but this is not particularly fun. Hoping for a solution soon.

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    Erik Peterson likes this.
  3. Doan Azzopardi

    Doan Azzopardi New Member

    To me it happens in both VC and MW LCN. Oddly, I had no trouble finding undead targets in Pirate Clan, but others have. I don't really play ZS, so no idea if the problem is there as well.
  4. I've noticed the problem for me is only in Vikings and Pirates the other 2 games my fight lists are normal. I'm still having the issues again today, I was able to complete my battles in Vikings but barely, still waiting for targets to appear in Pirates only 33%complete so far. Out of range list is impossible for me being only in level 5700's and list consists of levels 10k-43k, I think I'll keep that list hidden for a while, lol
  5. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Hey all, developers have gotten this nailed down and we're looking at rolling out a patch today in the next couple of hours. Please keep on reporting your lists here and whether or not you've seen any improvements.
    Dolus and Smack like this.
  6. Jayne D

    Jayne D New Member

    I have nothing on my fight list in VC that I can attack, Im 8k & my fight list consists of 20k & 30k.. (not stupid lol) No undead or same level to attack for 3 days now.
  7. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Update: We've rolled out the fix to Pirate Clan, if that looks like it is returning good results the other games will follow shortly.

    It looks like some small adjustments that were made to Fight list distribution had the unintended side-effect of returning too many Out of Range players.

    Apologies for the mix-up as this was supposed to be a fairly painless and beneficial change. We appreciate that it was brought to our attention so quickly, and sorry for the wait while we fixed this up.
  8. TonyDu

    TonyDu Member

    Now having this. It was better 12 hours ago.

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  9. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Thanks, I'll forward that to the developers.
  10. Jared

    Jared Well-Known Member

    My question: what if no one said anything?
  11. Blackcat

    Blackcat New Member

    Whatever you just did made things worse ..Right while i was watching it i attacked a valhalle and i had a choice of 20 to having none ...Now i know for a fact my numbers im allowed just reset back to the 250 im allowed an hr ago ..and to ansewer your question jared ...if no one had said anything then i believe they wouldnt have even bothered .Im already of the opinion that they handicap the fight and valhalle page as it is ..Ive thought that for yrs and anyone ive said it to said nooooooo ..your being paranoid .How could they do that.Over the past few days has been an answerr of a sort..Quite easily with a few changes and code patches
  12. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Any better?
  13. Blackcat

    Blackcat New Member

    NO ..Not on mine .....It got worse ..Was bad before but now its worse..Only shows me a choice of 1 at a time or nothing .Whatever they tinkered with they need to untinker it or retinker with it
  14. Dolus

    Dolus Member

    Pirate clan looks allright to me, wasn't really affected at my end tho.
    Got 8 undead on Zombie and 2 live ones, finished my fight points couple hours ago damnit lol.
    Viking has 9 valhalla instead of the 6 I had when the problems started.
  15. TonyDu

    TonyDu Member

    Yes it is better. Now I have undeads on Pirate Clan and Valhalla on Viking Clan. Which was all I needed.
  16. Erik Peterson

    Erik Peterson Member

    They're fewer in number than I would have seen last week, but I do seem to be getting Valhalla targets consistently.
  17. GoddessFreyja

    GoddessFreyja Active Member

    This is for Vikings: My page looks like it did before; about 9 valhallas. BUT, someone in my guild that didn't have problems before has them today. Her fight list is gone and someone that she fights on a daily basis, in her battle range, isn't on her fight list or in the valhallas. She used to have at least 12 valhallas and now it's down to 2. She didn't have any problems until today so whatever the "fix" was made it worse.
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2017
  18. ZSlayer

    ZSlayer Active Member

    No clans available in your range, check back soon.

    nothing in ZS, VC or PC and usually have several everyday all day long :(
  19. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Thanks for the check-ins, much appreciated!

    More changes are going out that should hopefully cap this whole saga off, but definitely keep us in the loop.
  20. Jared

    Jared Well-Known Member

    Based on what I've seen over the past few days, this is LONG overdue. I have quite a few more players in my fight list now that "magically" appeared that haven't been there for months, if not longer. And I didn't just catch up to their level, either.

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