[LCN] Raid Boss Walkthrough and Feedback Thread

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by mi7ch, Feb 19, 2015.


    GATMAN Active Member

    i decided to play viking clan based on the leveling from raid bosses. I took it very mildly, using each of the last 3 raids to raise up 400 levels in each raid. I got 40-60 weapons each time, i did all the adventures, never wasting any spare energy. I am above lvl 1200, in about 75 days time with an awesome load out and 394 hired chieftains all compliments of the free godfather points gained by leveling and challenges. My attack and Defense are both above 1/2 million, and i only have a total of 970 chieftains including the hired ones. Once I have all 2k, I will have a very formidable mid level account that i never spent a dime on. The reason for all this isnt to brag, but to agree with previous statements in part: The raids have made it super easy for anyone entering the game as a new player. Us old-timers simply didnt have it as easy when we built our accounts. I would be upset, however i feel its more important to bring new players to the games, and the raids help new players work their way up so we can beat on them a bit.
  2. The Milk Man

    The Milk Man Member

    Please adjust reward system as well
  3. DSL

    DSL New Member

    Not happy...
    I busted my arse to get above lvl3000 so I may get a change to join the raids, and then you go and change the tiers...- you've just lost a player...
  4. Carl Stahls

    Carl Stahls Member

    bring it on...:p
  5. i. martin

    i. martin New Member

    one way or another the game must stay interesting for everyone and the raidz benefits give lower players achance to catch up in game and its brilliant considering a Level 5or6k players skiLLs points are so high that in no way wiLL anew pLayer spend 3years on here and even compete once that 5or6k player advances in same time period.. but i do acknowledge that raid bosses are really only killed with the heLp of bigger 3k plus accounts giving 40miL. plus dmg.. i personally think the tiers should change to; 2k and under, , 3.5k and under and 5k and under because its not fair to bigger accounts if raid isnt fuLL and there arnt enough lower level players to fiLL all open positiions. which i know i toLd KANO team that before and see that it stiL doesnt apply to server 2 now that i looked upwards some.. funny how my ideas keep getting used some way or another on here..
  6. i. martin

    i. martin New Member

    you dont have to be at level 3000 to get into a raid siLLy.. who cares if your not higher level tier your stil not going to do as much dmg at level 3k as someone at level 6or 7000 with stronger skills and more stamina
    Kirsten likes this.
  7. i. martin

    i. martin New Member

    I also like tht raidz give out the "building" aspect of characters' loadouts,nd I too dont agree w/ playing budiez whn they say raidz R only good to LvL up fast.. I of course am thousands of LvLs below thm nd join raidz to build my Loadout becuz i cant afford to constantly get "pay-paL" items w/fp
  8. GreatChad_Kong

    GreatChad_Kong New Member

    I like the way these tiers look for Kong. We'll see how easily it is to fill the top tier (shouldn't be too much of a problem) and if there are enough active low people to make it worthwhile. The next raid may want the bottom tier to be 0-2000 depending on how this one works out.
    Aapje likes this.
  9. Tony2X

    Tony2X New Member

    No, we don't count....
  10. Sir Opinion Alot

    Sir Opinion Alot Well-Known Member

    I agree all that say they dont help its bs, they do get stronger and then when they get in the upper cities there is boss chats and that makes more available to them then before, they get skill for the lvl new craft items that actually probably help them more than me since lower levels massed more raids to get to the higher levels you have to remember that what about the ones getting 100 items or more per raids it dont take long to mass alot with good boss shares from your group plus items etc from all other areas so yes they can get stronger faster now. Used to if they spent to level they just got skill points no item but now there is many items and esp. if u gain alot of supers also those arent bad item's at all.
    Xipe Totec likes this.
  11. i. martin

    i. martin New Member

    when adjustments happen for raid boss tier for kano pLay (server 2) it shouLd be lvl 2k and under, LvL 3500 under, and LvL 5k and over. Again i wiLL say it isn't fair that raidboss isn't being fiLLed due to the lack of lower level players and the upper tier players doing most of the Legwork with 40 mil. plus dmg., whiLe it isn't getting filled up and perhaps has everyone using more stamina to obtain goaLs.. I know that could change with the new app.? and i also know that by the time you may want to make change for that sever the tiers might be better off (1) 2500 Lower (2) 4k under (3) 6k over
  12. i. martin

    i. martin New Member

    I personaLLy think that alot of skiLL points are now heLd into consideration wether they are needed for attack/defense or stamina/energy, and if you reaLLy think a LvL 1700 pLayer has enough stamina to reach minimum on 40 weapons from raids i wouLd say they must of used aLL their skills points on stam/energy then, if even possible.. the idea that anew player spends 3years to reach level 4k and a current lvl 4k player, in 3years wil have same opportunity to get raid boss drops and be at lvl 7k with more skill points wiLL have way more advantage.. and even without paypaL items is not vaLid at aLL
  13. i. martin

    i. martin New Member

    "** not valid" that new players can somehow be at an "even playing feild".. unless the people at level 4k under/ or over decide to stop playing. game wiLL aLways also be determined how strong someone is by the 2k mob and new players who use gfp to get more raid boss drops and use them for all other aspects of game wiLL find it much more difficuLt to get the 2k mob.
  14. i. martin

    i. martin New Member

  15. AXXO

    AXXO Well-Known Member

    tiers good this time.
  16. dead 1hr 7 mins :D

    Attached Files:

  17. Xipe Totec

    Xipe Totec Active Member

    I have having terrible time lag and lcn not loading. Super slow And blank pages. Help please MI7ch.
  18. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    I'll check with the developers!
    Xipe Totec likes this.
  19. I personally don't like having to open keys to summon a raid boss. It takes away energy that could or should go to a raid boss. Which means you might lose the big weapon. Not every player has the luxury of 4,000 energy. I hope lowering the energy requirements would be considered for future raid bosses.
  20. foxysiren

    foxysiren Well-Known Member

    Terrible lag attacking raids on Kong and these new raids seems to be sucking energy too much.

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