Status of the Summer Newsletter

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by mi7ch, Aug 19, 2014.

  1. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    I've seen some confusion on the forums about what newsletters have been sent and what the status of the different networks are. This handy post will let you know what games/networks have had newsletters released. I'll make sure to keep this updated as we go!

    Viking Clan
    FB - Yes (8/22)
    KPs2 - Yes (9/02)
    Kong/Armor - Yes (9/02)

    Pirate Clan
    FB - Yes
    KPs2 - Yes
    Kong/Armor - Yes (8/27)

    Mob Wars: La Cosa Nostra
    FB - Yes (8/20)
    KPs2 - Yes (8/27)
    Kong/Armor - Yes (8/27)

    Zombie Slayer
    FB - Yes (8/25)
    KPs2 - Yes (9/03)
    Kong/Armor - Yes (9/03)

    UPDATE 9/10/2014: The self-send is now enabled for the newsletters. To access it, open the Settings menu. Under the email address field there will be a link that opens the newsletter.
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2014
    Jared likes this.
  2. AlterEgoT

    AlterEgoT Well-Known Member

    mi7ch likes this.
  3. George Burd

    George Burd Well-Known Member

    You the man mi7ch
    mi7ch likes this.
  4. IpeeFreely

    IpeeFreely Member

    someone sent me a link on kps2 mobwars

    isn't this from the summer newslettero_O?
    Sharp Shooter

    199 Attack

    111 Defense

    Owned: 1
  5. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Yes that's the Newsletter reward, the links are active even if the actual letter has not been sent yet.

    I'd prefer if people waited, however, I put a lot of work into the newsletters! :)
  6. Kel the Merciful King

    Kel the Merciful King Well-Known Member

    If u play on two networks with the same email address, um, we seem to have a problem :D Is there a solution?
  7. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    What is the problem, specifically? FB and KPs2 newsletters for PC were sent at different times so you would receive separate newsletters, theoretically.
  8. Paul de Haan

    Paul de Haan New Member

    I seem to have a problem. I'm on FB, but haven't received the newsletter.
    I am signed up for them, & have received them in the past, but haven't seen this one yet.
    NB - it didn't go into my spam/junk folder either, I peruse that daily before deleting the contents.
    I did get the goodies though, via a link provided by one of my armada-mates, but I'd still like to read the newsletter since you put so much effort into it :)
  9. Kel the Merciful King

    Kel the Merciful King Well-Known Member

    I only got the one newsletter for PC but am on both KP1 and KP2
  10. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    It does take a while for our mailer system to work its way through all of the addresses for each game, so if you haven't seen a newsletter as of yet, @Paul de Haan and @Kel the Merciful King, that's not entirely out of the ordinary. Having the same email on both servers shouldn't impact the newsletter send.
  11. Survival Streak 0

    Survival Streak 0 Active Member

    The solution is...if you get an e-mail for kp2....just change the collection link to say ?game_server=server_1 or if you get one for kp1 make it say ?game_server=server_2 :p
  12. Kel the Merciful King

    Kel the Merciful King Well-Known Member

    I got the email for PC. I have 2 accounts on different networks with same email addie. So far, all I got is one for PC and I forget for which one it is.

    Tue, Aug 12, 2014 at 8:31 PM
  13. Gazember

    Gazember Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    Its funny that the Summer Newsletters for Mob Wars LCN and Viking Clan both having at the New Location section a place that came out in February.
  14. CorvetteGal

    CorvetteGal New Member

    Hello.. I do not recall getting a newsletter for LCN or Viking Clan...I would like to know where I might find a link to gain the bonus, and of course read game news. Thank you for a fun game...Karen
  15. Survival Streak 0

    Survival Streak 0 Active Member

  16. Mr Killer Man

    Mr Killer Man Active Member

    No server 2 news letter, also checked spam folder and added to address to trusted contacts.
  17. Jared

    Jared Well-Known Member

    I got mine for LCN last week. I'm still waiting to receive them for Pirates and Vikings. Hopefully, they will all be sent out for all the games on all the platforms before the end of this week.
  18. Jared

    Jared Well-Known Member

    If anyone has the KP2 Pirates newsletter link, please pm it to me... that's the only one I still haven't received. Thanks!
  19. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Hey all,

    The developers will be hooking up the self-send option for the Summer newsletters if you haven't received yours yet (or had a redemption link shared with you). That should be up within the next couple of days.

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