When are limits going to be placed on boss leveling?

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by pappadoo1970, Apr 22, 2012.

  1. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    If this statement is true then whats your point of this thread? First u state something needs to be done...then u say its already going to be done. So which is it...Do u know something we dont and your here in the forums trying to incite something...or r u just full of crap? ;)
  2. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    @ Polish one of the best laughs I had all day lol
  3. Das liebe Beil

    Das liebe Beil Well-Known Member

    Indeed, good comeback, Polish.
  4. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    LOL... Thanks guys n gals.
  5. Jon Ward

    Jon Ward Well-Known Member

    For anyone else who reads this. Please remember the developers will post with upcoming updates to improve the game first before just putting it out there and not giving player's heads up in the games. Or they will let us mod know about something that is coming and to keep an eye on the forums for feedback when they post it. Just because one player says something is coming and you have not seen a developer comment do not always think that player is correct it spreads like wildfire when people believe just one person's hype on there own statements. And as Polish said in this thread for this player. If this was indeed coming then why create a thread about it.
  6. OK I haven't read this entire thread, and sorry for being absent for a little while...

    But I think at this stage it is a little late to add restrictions to bosses, for the simple reason that it may make the game unbalanced, frequent Boss users will complete many bosses per day, and if it was restricted now many people couldn't obtain this figure giving them a disadvantage. Everyone in this game needs to be given the same opportunities, and I think it's too late to impose boss attack restrictions.

  7. Seriously??? Getting 10,000 hits with a leveling partner only takes about 3 hours.

    If I read this thread correctly, the question of "sanity" is not the issue. The issue addressed is the imbalance in the game between (relatively) unlimited boss blasting vs. limited battling between two willing participants. I happen to agree that this causes an imbalance and the fact that most of the negative comments about limiting the number of bosses one can hit in a day comes from the self-proclaimed boss blasters, themselves, is a testament to the fact that the imbalance exists.
  8. Jon Ward

    Jon Ward Well-Known Member

    The imbalance exists for the sole purpose you can eliminate boss blasters if you throw the sliders on them in the game. People always forget to throw the sliders on there bosses and that's when you have the boss blasters come out. You set the slider on the boss it does not matter if they try to use a 20 boost it will only let them go to the limit of the slider that is it. New players that come into the game are the ones who are allowing boss blasters to get away with it. They do not realize it yet. And all the negative comments here are not from boss blasters. I do my min rewards on bosses unless a player asks for more help because they cannot get the help. And i move on to the next one. There is no imbalance just players who do not utilize every aspect of the game kano provides.
  9. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    Bosses are limited.It's not like you can just pull bosses out of your rear end when you feel like blasting one.You have to rely on your clan posting them,and they only have so many bosses.It's impossible to spend all day blasting bosses,even if you have Polish Pimp stamina,simply because the feed will run dry.
  10. Good point, I find there's only ever a certain amount of bosses I can find in a day, even though I wish there was more lol, and I have about 1600 friends on facebook, most which play and it isn't that easy lol :)
  11. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    So are boss blasters what we in PC call boss hogs,??? never saw the need to hog a boss, unless it was my own, after I got a full boat, that is why we have sliders and I for one would rather spread my precious stamina around and do the min on bosses, rather than blast thru A boss, most boss hogs are people who have leveled themselves into infinity by using leveling partners and have no one to fight anymore at all , lol so they have to hog a boss that some poor uninformed player who does not realize the importance of a slider , or some low level who wants protection by feeding some real high level for payment of said protection lol and how anyone sane can level off fighting a boss doing the min on maybe 50 boss at an given time, well maybe one level a day for that , I can level faster , fighting and doing other aspects of the game, which is why this game is one of the most balanced fighting games I have played yet :) so I for one am a boss sharer not a boss blaster :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 23, 2012
  12. Old Salt

    Old Salt Well-Known Member

    A limit is not needed on bosses because they are self-limiting. As has been pointed out in this thread they consume massive amounts of stamina and that in itself imposes its own limit. This being the case the subject and debate in this thread is academic.
  13. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    10k hits in 3 hrs eh....Sure hope Kano is watching that one...lol

    If there is an imbalance its in favor of battle levelers, theres far more Xp to gained and more players to battle than bosses. Aplayer could battle someone far lower in levels and still get better xp than someone doing bosses.

    There is advantages n disadvantages to both ways of leveling and its all a matter of whats more important to the particular player. In the end....all players have a choice whether they want to level via bosses or a partner....so whats the point? If a player thinks that using bosses to level is somehow a huge advantage....then i gotta ask....why the heck r they not using bosses?

    When it costs 2 skill points per stamina and it takes way more stam to level with bosses is it really an advantage? Like I said previously ...there r pros and cons to both. If someone mistakenly thinks one has that much more of an advantage over the other and they arent employing that strategy.....well....I just dont know what to say to that without sounding completely insulting
  14. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    U almost make it sound as if boss blasting is a bad thing. Personally....I see the majority of players utilizing the slider. The ones that dont are usually players who want there bosses blasted because they want the XP and end rewards sooner rather than later.
  15. Old Salt

    Old Salt Well-Known Member

    Put this up in the idea thread and let people rate it and we'll see just how inevitable it is.
  16. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Good point. I would also add that all bosses r not created equal in they XP or rewards department, and if u are trying to level somewhat efficiently u need to be very particular in which bosses u choose which greatly reduces the number of quality bosses available to a particular player. Another thing is depending on ones level....if u dont have a particular boss of your own available to u.....then u dont get crap for drops if u hit a clan members boss u dont have yet. Players cant adjust their numbers to make the outcome of a boss battle better like they can with battle leveling where they can tinker with things to improve the numbers, with bosses u are at the mercy of whats there and what their owners limits are
  17. Jon Ward

    Jon Ward Well-Known Member

    Boss blasting is a player's choice. It's only a bad thing if it affects you and it does not affect me because i choose to limit the slider on mine so everyone can participate on my bosses and get the min rewards. If a player chooses not to limit there bosses and complains about it then its on them. I understand some players built there accounts that way to blast bosses and it's there choice. Nothing wrong with it if they want to play that way. Do i get upset if i see someone blasting a boss away i want to help on. No i either move on to another boss or remove them from my captains and see if someone else shows up on my boss feed i can participate in. But i only do that to players i come across 10xs or more. And i believe i have done that maybe 1 or twice since i have played that i have seen a player constantly get boss blasted. Again there choice but i do not prefer to start hitting stamina on them and then out of nowhere someone comes out and blasts it before i can finish getting the min rewards. Hope that makes sense polish. Getting a little tired since its almost near time for myself to log off in another hour.
  18. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Basically they are the same thing Linda...it just depends on how someone looks at it. Some people want their bosses killed quick yet some people still look at those who killed it as a "boss hog" simply because they didnt get any. Boss blasters are those that kill bosses in massive quantities like I used to do. I gladly invested heavily in stamina and paid the steeper price for what I deemed better for my game. With all the safeguards Kano has put in place like requiring boss owners to get the minimum, the ability to set limits and the fact that the limit carries over from boss to boss unless the boss owner goes in and changes it themselves all but insures that if a boss gets killed....the owner wanted it killed.
  19. Jon Ward

    Jon Ward Well-Known Member

    Agree 100 percent with what you just said to Linda polish. It is no longer an issue since kano has provided the tools to use to limit on how you want your bosses to be done and it's your choice if you want to have a boss blaster kill them now since you can limit. But if you do not then limit it it stops it. So bosses now have no aspect in limiting them. That is what this whole thread was about. On a good day i can get maybe on 40 to 60 bosses doing min rewards only unless they ask for more help. Because of the way the pool of players is drawn into the game pages. Were as i can use all the stamina i have all day long and do over the amount of 5k in limit on players and then your called a bully for doing it. Its a never ending thing on how players are going to come up with limiting things that help players move through the game. It was made that way let it be. If it is constantly being abused by 1000's of players because of certain aspects kano did not see at the time when it was added then yeah take a look at it put it to a vote and let the majority vote win.
  20. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Once a player sets a minimum....it automatically carries over to every boss they have unless they go in and physically change it. So that means its the boss owners intent. If u dont happen to agree with that and its fine if u dont....but why would u declan the boss blaster whos doing exactly what the boss owner wants....shouldnt u be declanning the boss owner? I understand u only do this rarely and its def your prerogative.......thats kinda like the owner firing aworker for doing what his supervisor asked them to do...lol

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