TGIF! Development News for August 3rd, 2018

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Dobby, Aug 4, 2018.

  1. Dobby

    Dobby Administrator

    Happy Friday, everyone!

    The Venerable Mitch is out today, so I'll be posting up the TGIF for this week :)

    Just a few updates and some reminders for everyone this week.



    Last week we released Midgard Sepulcher to Viking Clan and this week the new Co-Op Boss and Minigame were released. Following up next week will be crafting.

    We also released crafting for the recent LCN location Mexico City.

    Lastly, new crates are available for players and, as a reminder, the top tier 3-pack of Crates contain one guaranteed Legendary drop.

    Mobile Updates

    We've added a number of tweaks to the mobile app. The boss listings now have banners informing players how to go to the job chat to find a boss. Also, the home page boss button now has a ribbon on it during the raid event that directs players to the raid tab instead of co-op. These will hopefully help to improve the experience for everyone.

    General Game Updates

    Our developers have spent time this week working on a couple general game updates. We've fixed up a bunch of sharing stuff this week, so that should behave as expected now.

    They've also gone through and cleaned up text in the game to make it clearer for players.

    Please remember if you run into any issues or have any questions please don't hesitate to get in touch with us in support.

    BC Day Long Weekend

    Next Monday, August 6th, is BC Day up here in, where else, beautiful British Columbia. As such the Kano office will be closed, with normal hours resuming on Tuesday.

    That's everything this week. I hope everyone has a great weekend! :cool:

    Frozen User Count


    Lame Joke of the Week

    Where do goldfish go on vacation?

    Around the globe!
    Sparrowhawk likes this.
  2. Ro-Schi

    Ro-Schi New Member

    I hope you will fix the time zone issue on battle arena
  3. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    I am still having trouble with the IOS app on my phone, for not apparent reason it made two accounts on my phone in the last two weeks and I cannot access my regular 8 years old account, from my phone using the IOS app, works fine on my Ipad and of course no issue on my mac, cause there is no IOS app for that thank goodness.
  4. AlterEgoT

    AlterEgoT Well-Known Member

    probably not the place for this but some things I've noticed.

    Raid boss' on App.
    -the pop up covers the health bar
    -I could not find where it shows the number of actions
    Since many new slayers join via app, they have no idea how RB's work. They do not know to heal the boss. Folks that do know think they are just being jerks and they end up targeted.

    FW on the app
    -You cannot see chat while in the wars
    Kind of defeats the whole work as a faction thing if you have to leave and go back

    HL on the app
    -It doesn't appear to tell you when things are on the list
    -It seems difficult to continue hunting when you want to bypass something and keep refreshing. Leaving folks vulnerable for delay during a blitz with little folks listing honorables out the wazhoo when there is big $$ to be had.
    -It seemed to treat squad the same as not squad so you'd have to attack, see you couldn't and click on the back to the list, if it was still there you had to repeat. Again, the refresh is only there when there are no lists up.

    Dead/Hospital icons on the app
    -dead and in the hospital appear to show the same when looking at a faction

    Comma's in Game on web version
    -If you are going to use the comma's really need spaces on either side of the /
    It was quite hard on the eyes with a definitive break within the number but 2 numbers run together.
    I'm going to say that if this was a suggestion, I think they were more referring to the Achievements etc. It's difficult to see if how many zero's there are.

    As I said, there are probably better threads, but since this update seems to touch on the areas, I thought maybe it'd get noticed here. I don't use the app that much so I may just have missed it, but I was quite shocked at what app users were having to wade through.
    mi7ch and Mouseketeer like this.
  5. Justin the killer

    Justin the killer Well-Known Member

    i think they should add a Feature where that u can push to talk but it types it out for you so that way u dont have to leave an then come back :) it will be like u are basically sending a text an talk thing :) Just a Suggestion
    Monica Hlif likes this.
  6. EJ Prowl

    EJ Prowl New Member

    an idea for a game update, if you can add "Alliance" to sort list like you currently have "all mobsters", "mob", "friends" "family (yours)", etc. this would add an extra benefit to having alliances AND make it easier to find jobs/bosses from them. thanks in advance
  7. Firesword 15

    Firesword 15 New Member

    I am just wondering if the blackBlack is going to be added to moblie or do I need to use the computer version? Thanks.
  8. bully thor

    bully thor Active Member

    what day crafting for vc coming out
  9. neill1990

    neill1990 Well-Known Member

    usually that takes about 2 weeks before they implement.
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2018
  10. bully thor

    bully thor Active Member

    yep I know so be out wed/thur/fri this week
  11. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    You'll need to craft on the desktop version for now.

    Should be out today, August 8.

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