Bug or Bot user???

Discussion in 'Bugs/Issues' started by baby girl, Apr 18, 2010.

  1. baby girl

    baby girl New Member

    I am level 249, please explain how a level 508 is able to attack me multiple times if I have not attacked him??
    2 minutes ago
    You were attacked by veebeebelly with a Fight Boost of 5%.
    You lost the Fight losing $577.
    2 minutes ago
    Your ambush was a success! You were attacked by veebeebelly.
    You won the Fight, gaining $0.
    2 minutes ago
    Your ambush was a success! You were attacked by veebeebelly.
    You won the Fight, gaining $18,290.
    14 minutes ago
    You were attacked by veebeebelly with a Fight Boost of 5%.
    You lost the Fight losing $5,734.
    14 minutes ago
    You were attacked by veebeebelly with a Fight Boost of 5%.
    You lost the Fight losing $5,914.
    14 minutes ago
    You were attacked by veebeebelly with a Fight Boost of 5%.
    You lost the Fight losing $6,100.
    14 minutes ago
    Your ambush was a success! You were attacked by veebeebelly.
    You won the Fight, gaining $100,000.
    14 minutes ago
    Your ambush was a success! You were attacked by veebeebelly.
    You won the Fight, gaining $100,000.
  2. its simple.if you set a counter it leaves you in there range.i figured that one out the hard way.if you want them gone dont retaliate in anyway.no punching and dont set a ambush or you will stay in their range.

    =BB=BULLIT BINNS New Member

    Also be wary of who you attack on the hitlist.. as this opens you up for retaliation.. Veeb is infamous for this.. as well as other suspect tactics lol
  4. steal toes

    steal toes Member

    LOL I see you met VeeBeeBelly.

    Don't worry, he is just saying Hello to you.

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