Items with FP obtained trough level or buyed with USD

Discussion in 'Ideas' started by fuM, Jan 30, 2015.

  1. fuM

    fuM Member

    For manny years what paste i see that items with FP grow every week with attack and defence.
    This must slow down. Every day we see major changes, weeks by weeks, months by months.
    This is sad for those buy FP with reall monney. Those who spend real monney buying FP are in a huge disadvantage.
    For example: the diference of weapons between a FP Buyer and a simple player is not visible.
    This must be visible because they want to spend cash, now depending how you see this things, supporting or having good weapons, for a reason.
    And if you would say it is doesn't matter, i think that matter!
    Stop creating strong items week by week, or if you create them, then put there in attack 2 or 3 points but no more.
    Create a pack for those who want to support LCN or whatever game he wish, a good packs.
    Creating a diference between a Supporter member who spend real cash and non spenders or ordinary daily players.
    This items must stop growing in attack and defence because it is wrong.
    I am thinking in future, not from 10 days now! Because it will be no diference between a lvl 10.000 player and a 1000 lvl player what spend 20000 USD in FP ! And this should be fixed.
  2. Lasinagol

    Lasinagol Active Member

    I think the growth is a bit out of hand, but equality MUST be maintained. People who play the games without spending money deserve a chance against people who pay to play.
    AlterEgoT and Jess like this.
  3. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    On the other hand, people that spend and keep Kano in business so everyone has a game, is something alot of people seem to forget. Also as we all get stronger of course we want to have stronger items, so I see no reason for the items stats not to continue the way it as been for the years I have been playing. I see nothing to be fixed in this instance, because I don't feel anything is broken.
    RainSunGone likes this.
  4. Lasinagol

    Lasinagol Active Member

    I see your point and acquiesce. Although, wouldn't the essential difference for a p2p vs a f2p be how fast they level or how inherently strong they are with the extra items?
    George Burd likes this.
  5. fuM

    fuM Member

    With high level you have big chances to have every day items, High items. What should be neccesary to do?
    Well , lowering the process trough you ca win free FP at high level, and stop growing items so fast !
    There is no point to grow items fast! Slowing the process will make them to play more finding more items !
    Or why don`t grom items more fast ? in 1 or 2 years Kano games will suck. There is no point growing fast ! Slowing the process will mantain a balance betwen free players and real cahs players !
    The process for growing items must be low !
  6. Lasinagol

    Lasinagol Active Member

    Unless you go to the epicacy rule of rpg's...which is high numbers disorient people. Maybe Kano is reaching for 1k atk or def items in a not so subtle way. The real issue might not be the numbers, but the actual items themselves. I mean in the last RB on VC the drop items were just recycled items with new stats. I love the fact that they are recycling, don't get me wrong...but to earn an item I already feel I have?
  7. fuM

    fuM Member

    Mabby reworking all items should be a solution, changing theyr attack and defence..
    Jess likes this.
  8. Jess

    Jess Active Member

    Hopefully we can get a reply from Kano on this matter. I'd love to see how they see it. (the items stats and balance)
  9. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    Anything I have payed for unless they are gonna raise the stats, I would not want them doing anything to what I have paid for. I really do not understand what you want to do here, but seems to me after playing as many years as I have and spent as much as I have ,earned things thru the game or by spending, my choice to do so. the whole idea is to improve and move forward,if you have a problem with people leveling to fast, that has nothing to do with items,it has to do with leveling with a partner,arena's raid bosses,leveling with reg boss and or leveling with the undead/valhallas,etc or all of what I mentioned.
    Lasinagol and LaScepter like this.
  10. Demonik1

    Demonik1 Well-Known Member

    i dont see the point here, my retardation must be in full swing today haha the limited items dont make a huge difference....i could be using the same ones i bought a year ago and be just fine.....leave it the same, change the long run it wont matter....the only problem i would have is wasting the devs time on something that doesnt need attention...beyond that im pretty neutral on this one
    Lasinagol and Kirsten like this.
  11. George Burd

    George Burd Well-Known Member

    it is called keeping up with the jones's, look mr jones has the new 500i bmw I have to go get one of those I dont want the neighbors seeing a paltry 300c in my driveway
  12. Lasinagol

    Lasinagol Active Member

    But you still have a better then average vehicle in your driveway...I feel they should recycle some of the old would be awesome to use some of the items that were for sale before I got addicted to the games...
  13. Demonik1

    Demonik1 Well-Known Member

    i understand that aspect but thats not what the thread is about....hes worried about people that dont spend money having the same loadout strength as he does which wont make any difference in any of the games
    George Burd likes this.
  14. Lasinagol

    Lasinagol Active Member

    Equality has to be maintained somewhere...otherwise there would be an 'obligation' to pay...I have had my rear tanned by a few 'free' players and enjoyed it. Taught mea lesson or three.
    Demonik1 likes this.
  15. George Burd

    George Burd Well-Known Member

    well no matter how much you pay if you build wrong you will lose somewhere
    Demonik1 and Lasinagol like this.
  16. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    If people did not spend there would be no game, so for those that can't,won't ,don't spend, Oh well, and yes the non spenders feel that spenders should not spend,and that is just plain silly. Kano is not a charity it is a company that makes games, and companies need to make money to survive and continue letting "everyone "Play.
    Demonik1, Lasinagol and George Burd like this.
  17. AlterEgoT

    AlterEgoT Well-Known Member

    I would concur that the rate of increase has gotten out of hand a bit.

    It should indeed be scaled back a bit. And for lands sake get those loyalty items up to par ;)
    RainSunGone likes this.
  18. RainSunGone

    RainSunGone Well-Known Member

    it's kano's way of making u spend to be on equal ground... it's a business they want and need u to spend....
    there are numerous idea's that have been suggested that would help... artifact crafting and upgrading loyalty items would definitely be a step in the right direction...
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2015
    Lasinagol and George Burd like this.
  19. Demonik1

    Demonik1 Well-Known Member

    it may be increasing a bit faster but its actually not as fast as it appears, new set once a week and theyve changed up how they release the sets...used to alternate between att/defensive based sets and balanced they release 3 diff types of items with each set so to get a decent upgrade on an attack based loadout it takes a bit longer than it would have in the past....the rate of increase coupled with the change in how they release the sets looks to me to be a perfect solution...i say they got it right for once ;p ok, maybe more than once but i dont want to be too nice lol
    George Burd likes this.
  20. Aapje

    Aapje Well-Known Member

    I don't understand how it benefits free players when new FP items are better. Doesn't that benefit newer spenders over older spenders?

    After all, free players won't buy 100's of items, which is what I see spenders doing.

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