Reset Skill Points

Discussion in 'Ideas not being Considered' started by WendelinR, Jul 5, 2014.

  1. WendelinR

    WendelinR Active Member

    Hi I'm King Wend from LCN on Kong (lvl 3001 / Alexandrite Status),

    my newest idea to really improve the game is that we are able to RESET OUR SKILL POINTS and have the chance to decide again where to spend them.
    Personally, I would pay 100+ FPs for that if not more.

    Just ask yourself: How many players have quit the game because they were not happy with the decisions they made on spending their skill points?
    Let's be honest, players who are really new are gonna make some decisions they're going to be unhappy with later on.

    It's a great idea and it doesn't unbalance the game such as buying skill points but changes the game to a more attractive one imo.

    Thanks that you took so much time to read my idea.
  2. Angel or Not

    Angel or Not Member

    Wend, maybe if there were a limit on the lvl that could reallocate ...meanin new players only.... to a certain lvl would b fair... but in a game ya live or die by yer no do-overs for the vets, like us....I never played MW's b 4 I came to Kong and I took my lumps and bad decisions...and learned from them.....maybe the fairy can allocate sp's fer people :) lol Angel or Not
    Level 4895 Vigilant
  3. WendelinR

    WendelinR Active Member

    Angel, you are 100% correct. I only noticed that so many players have quit the game and asked myself: why? My guess is that they thought they cant do well anymore and play happy - maybe because of wrong SP allocation. Then they gave up cause they thought they were already too high in lvl and cant change it. So in my vision everybody, regardless of lvl, has to be able to change their SP allocation at any time - but for a price, so it will lead Kano to loads and loads ... and loads of money.
  4. Angel or Not

    Angel or Not Member

    knowing what we know at our lvl, would b unfair imo... I have changed my sp allocation plans 3 times now... as play changed, so did my sp allocation...its like sayin..I cant beat u let me pay to change my live and die by the sword :) Skill point allocation affects everything SW, BA..etc, when you reach lvl 500 and have a whacked list you should adjust then/if you allocated wrong .... but over lvl 500...thats just not bein engaged
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2014
  5. WendelinR

    WendelinR Active Member

    exactly that is the weakest point in my idea: some1 could just pay FPs to put all in attack and then beat ppl. But isn't that how the game already is? You pay FPs to win. Even if that player puts all in his SP in att then, he has to change it back to keep playing normally, that's another payment. If the price is high enough, the game won't be too affected.
  6. There Will Be Blood

    There Will Be Blood Active Member

    How many times has this horrendous idea been brought up? Just search this topic and you will see how this would ruin all of the games.
  7. WendelinR

    WendelinR Active Member

    I have searched for a similar thread and didn't find one. Show me a thread where this topic is discussed.
  8. There Will Be Blood

    There Will Be Blood Active Member

    Kano Moderator 2 and Kirsten like this.
  9. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    Kano will NEVER EVER allow skill reallocation, just change it as you go along, and to say it would not unbalance the game is just the ............... thing I have heard yet.
    Kano Moderator 2 likes this.
  10. neill1990

    neill1990 Well-Known Member

    this idea has been brought up several times before.

    as mi7ch and others have stated before please look up the idea using search to try and find if your idea has been brought up and if not then post the idea. and if the idea has been brought up before then dont be afraid to bump the thread so everybody can see it again and to see if people are even interested still.
  11. WendelinR

    WendelinR Active Member

    So what? I'm Alexandrite Status and I want to change my favourite game and give Kano new suggestions, so I will open as many threads as I want (not breaking the forum rules of course) because I'm a paying customer.

    Btw, the topic was a hot discussion a few mins ago in Kongregate chat, many discussed it for the first time.
  12. WendelinR

    WendelinR Active Member

    You ppl are the reason why the games are dying. Look at Zombie Slayer on Kong. Nobody plays there anymore. But don't - under all circumstances - change anything, so we don't get more active ppl there. Same thing might happen to LCN on Kong and I only try to save the game but u ppl didnt spend a cent anyway so all u do is vote the thread down and talk the same BS for years until the game is finally down to 10 active players.
  13. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    Ok experienced player you are talking with mostly FB players ,who have played for years and most of us have spent way too much on these games,you want a live game with PEOPLE come play on FB no shortage of players in any of the games BTW your suggestion is anything but new ,players who messed up their games have been crying about resetting for years,ain't gonna happen,just pick up and fix it as you go, that is what everyone does.

    Wow playing 301 days, Level 3001 days and you have a suggestion/idea as old as the hills , so you bought your way up the game, now ya have no one to play with ,oh well
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2014
  14. neill1990

    neill1990 Well-Known Member

    and i am not a new player as well i have been playing for years kong is a new platform barley around compared to how long kanoplay s2(myspace) and facebook players have been. i am was not around for hi5 though lol i discovered these games not long after though.

    but all i was saying in my previous post was please do not post more threads on the same idea because you can bump up an old one and have people comment on that and keep the idea section from being super cluttered. and you know this just makes more work for kano to move the duplicated threads together so why not save kano the time of doing that so that they can focus more on producing more for us instead
  15. WendelinR

    WendelinR Active Member

    See Kirsten, the way it is on FB has worked so good that basically all players on Kong are players from FB who wanted to start over.
    Thats why LCN on Kong even exists, cause FB players wanted to start over. Every1 of them was happy that they could do new skill point decisions.
    Now imagine the HUGE amount of possibly interested longterm players who quit because they couldn't start over / reallocate the SP they worked so hard for.

    Heck, look at all those successful online games with 1mill+ plays, these are "upgrade" games and in each 1 of them you can reset your "skills", it's always the same and a proven successful concept.

    With only 1 exception: a small company called Kano still massproduces dying out games who don't have a reset button for skills.

    And while I'm at it: Ever heard of "sense of achievement"? Even if I lvl to Madrid which takes an unreasonably high amount of money or time: the rewards are BS. But thats the reason why ppl play: they want to have a sense of achievement that they don't have in RL.

    No healthy human on this earth keeps playing these Kano games cause they got no sense of achievements. That's why so many ppl quit.
    So psychologically all Kano games will die out sooner or later, no way around that. Just check out Zombie Slayer, Viking, etc. on all platforms - ALL DEAD which is PROOF PROOF PROOF (for my arguments) !!!
  16. neill1990

    neill1990 Well-Known Member

    do you even know what you are talking about lol all games will eventually die but it has nothing to do with a sence of achievement lol. and also kano did not make all of their games port to kong because of facebook players wanting to start over the real reason probobly is for the money lol but they did it because they are expanding instead of limiting themselves with only one platform the more places these games are on the more known the games get simple as that and instead of arguing about this and bringing up past arguments look up in the search bar skill point realocation and read some of those threads. ill grab some links to them for you :) ill edit them into this post

    made by polish-




    so those are some of the same threads about skill point realocation i found by a simple search by title and i am sure there are more then that as well but read those over please
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2014
    diva of destruction and Kirsten like this.
  17. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    First off ,my inexperienced fellow player, we cannot have skill reallocation for so many reasons, it would turn the game upside down and what about achievements ,we all have already gotten during years of game play, I hope Kong makes it as well as Armor, but FB is the real deal and there is no shortage of players ,everyday new people start in all four games., If people want to start over they can to to those newer baby platforms and try new strategy there, just because some feel they made wrong choices doesn't mean their game is dead in the water, I don't know anyone that has not changed direction once, or twice and it did not hurt their game. I looked at your stats ,looks to me like you bought your way up and used a leveling partner, LAME Game playing and all spending money guarantees any of us is virtual items, does not give you anything else,read the fine print.
    Old Salt likes this.
  18. Old Salt

    Old Salt Well-Known Member

    Skill relocation was tried in another game from the get go and it was a disaster. Its not fair to others who maybe don't have real money to spend to keep on spending to change their skill allotment because the person they used to beat is now kicking their arse. You play the game allot your skills and live with the results. If you want to adjust do it as you go along like suggested but in no circumstances should anyone just be allowed to reallocate there skill points. Play smarter instead of looking for shortcuts.
    diva of destruction and Kirsten like this.
  19. WendelinR

    WendelinR Active Member

    I love hearing your arguments and it was just right to start a fresh topic, you want to eat your burger fresh instead of warming up an old 1, right?

    Kirsten beautiful, listen to this: Reallocating skill points could also mean that no pay players could actually beat the money players so the upside down would encourage hundreds of no pay players to enjoy it more in these pay 2 win games + the money players have more ppl to fight -> Kano earns more cash either way.

    Old Salt, Pirate clan is also dead on all plattforms but the remaining 15 players there may play incredibly smart though. So each player can play with him/herself there, not with other players - that's no fun.
  20. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    Dead , yeah ok ,whatever you say, What I know for sure is ya never gonna see skill reallocation, so good night and enjoy your game

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