Warriors heal faster

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Apekiller, Jan 9, 2011.

  1. Apekiller

    Apekiller Member

    What exactly is the point of having this ability? Because frankly, I don't see any advantages whatsoever.

    Maybe this is due to a mistake in the game design?

    Shouldn't warriors regenerate stamina faster, instead of health?
  2. Das liebe Beil

    Das liebe Beil Well-Known Member

    Yes, healing faster is absolutely pointless. Once you have beyond 1k health, this ability becomes obsolete. Maybe even before this point. It's been a long time since I had 1k health.

    If they regenerated stamina faster, now that would be more like it. Then the warrior would make sense. And many players would like to get their stamina faster than getting their health faster, because as I said, healing faster is pointless.

    Cause frankly, after the full health refill for healing, healing faster is absolutely pointless. It is rather the other way. If you want to stay away from the game for some hours, you have to injure your character rather severe to not have to worry about healing up. And at the same time you have to watch out for the friendly slaps your enemies deal out. (Okay this is an issue only between 3000 and 10000 health, beyond this, you might need a day to recover. Continuous Axe Slaps will get you, though.)

    In my eyes the only character class that has any real value is Merchant. Cause you don't get Energy fast enough to have to care about it, squeezing in some adventures is always possible. And the Energy Refill of 500 is spent fast, especially on high levels. And it doesn't make a big impact on your overall xp. But Income. You can never have enough of it.

    So yes, the current Warrior is pointless. I'm glad that I was able to change it from Warrior to Merchant. Wouldn't make the mistake of being a Warrior again.

    Explorer makes sense if you don't play much and stay from your computer for a longer time.

    Merchant is the class for the people playing for long times a day.
  3. Ace

    Ace Member

    Agreed. The energy and money ones are pretty reasonable and decent, but there is no point at all on healing faster.
  4. agreed.healing faster is pretty pointless.gaining stamina faster as a warrior is more of a benefit

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