[ZS] Raid Boss Walkthrough and Feedback Thread

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by mi7ch, Mar 5, 2015.

  1. doosip

    doosip New Member

    The XP gains seem a little bit too low. Like maybe 5-10%.
  2. kamikazeweasel

    kamikazeweasel Active Member

    Much Agreed!
    AlterEgoT likes this.
  3. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    New Raid Boss July 30 at 9 am PDT:


    Changes From the Previous Raid Boss:

    New tier levels on Facebook and Kano Play server 2:

    0 - 2000
    2001 - 3499
    3500 +
    Dale Barrie likes this.
  4. Dale Barrie

    Dale Barrie Active Member

    about time lol, ty
  5. kamikazeweasel

    kamikazeweasel Active Member

    New raid boss is nice new tiers are even better. If low level players complain can't you just add an extra tier?
    AlterEgoT likes this.
  6. Guardian Angel

    Guardian Angel Active Member

  7. Xextreem

    Xextreem Active Member

    Lets try that out :D
  8. G String

    G String New Member

    liking the idea of a new tier, I'm only in for one this time.
  9. no one

    no one New Member

    I absolutely think that the 1000 Stamina needs to be increased. . The fact that they are already Double the points and then 1000 is it. It would change almost all complaints if the limit was increased . Make it a level thing I don't know but, it is blah
    AlterEgoT likes this.
  10. ZSlayer

    ZSlayer Active Member

    This is crazy spent 2500 energy for 3 keys. REALLY!!
  11. ZSlayer

    ZSlayer Active Member

    Now 4000 energy and still only 3 keys! Am i having bad luck or did you guys change something. This can not be right :(
  12. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Most likely it is bad luck; key drop rates are randomized so it's possible, albeit unlikely, to hit a solid string of no drops. Remember to do the highest Energy cost Outbreak for a greater chance, and I'll get the developers to check if anything might have gone wrong. :)
  13. ZSlayer

    ZSlayer Active Member

    Yes i have been doing the highest Energy cost Outbreak, that's why it goes so fast . BTW still only have 3 keys lol
  14. G String

    G String New Member

    my key drops were not too bad this time,swings and roundabouts i guess!
  15. no one

    no one New Member

    I got the keys easily but, I will never be able to beat this boss. I am not sure if it is my level range or what but, I just don't level up and I have already spent way more than I can believe. It is definitely not going to be easy for anyone in the range I am in to beat Raid Boss.
  16. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Sounds like you are trying to beat the Boss solo. Have you invited other Slayers to help you out? :)
  17. no one

    no one New Member

    yes my point being I can not put in enough to get good prize in 3 days period. I don't get enough xp I guess
  18. Hellhavenofury:)

    Hellhavenofury:) Active Member

    like the new tiers now whenever i try to join an open boss i rarely get shut out and i falll into the 3500 plus
    AlterEgoT likes this.
  19. AlterEgoT

    AlterEgoT Well-Known Member

    YAY new tiers. TYVM. It's so much better to play now that it's not so dependent on new folks.

    xp is a bit better as well, and they die at a decent clip.

    all in all MUCH better.

    As a note the damage is still way off that the highers do compared to the lowers. I mean....

    Level 644 $1,216,906 | +1,980 XP | 4534 Party Health Lost | - 30 Stamina | 100,221 Health Damage Dealt
    Level 4550 +$4,101,901 | +8,604 XP | 4623 Party Health Lost | - 30 Stamina | 175,845 Health Damage Dealt
    Level 4813 +$5,787,358 | +8,904 XP | 5033 Party Health Lost | - 30 Stamina | 181,350 Health Damage Dealt
    Level 1899 +$5,685,635 | +3,918 XP | 4844 Party Health Lost | - 30 Stamina | 164,634 Health Damage Dealt

    Those percentages are wonky. But all in all. They are at least not a game stopping drain on funds.

    thank you. Much improved.
  20. no one

    no one New Member

    The Panzer Division was defeated in 19:09:58, you dealt 121302663 damage in 39255 attacks and healed the raid for 11033038 life in 31080 heals. Based on these results you have been rewarded with the following:

    Tactical Knife

    Tactical Knife

    113 Attack

    148 Defense

    Really? 121mill damage and a 2nd tier prize

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