[LCN] Raid Boss Sandbaggers in Mob Wars LCN

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by nunya, Jul 16, 2015.

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  1. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    All anyone is required to do is min actions for a reward no one has the right to dictate how much more than the min anyone has to do , for those who just take a spot and not do the min or kill the raid health just list them
  2. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    Every game has their mon healing past the min needed and attack ten times as much leaving bosses in the red , then there are the raid killers and they are kept track of bookmarked and listed all the time , do they care no they keep being d I c k s
  3. Marc14

    Marc14 Active Member

    This shouldn't be possible. Above a certain amount of damage, a superior reward should be guaranteed.
    However, canceling out the superior drop isn't correct. I just got a superior slingshot and the owner was same level range as me and I even finished second in our level range, after him.
    Sir Opinion Alot likes this.
  4. Sir Opinion Alot

    Sir Opinion Alot Well-Known Member

    when this happen to me last time i wrote a ticket, When support wrote me back they told me it can cancel out i just used the word WILL cause i was upset seeing this cause all that damage was done at the end and i killed the boss myself.
  5. Sir Opinion Alot

    Sir Opinion Alot Well-Known Member

    yeap as usual support still has not got back to me with this. I am tried of doing mass loads of damage and getting crap rewards I think imma resort to sandbagging myself i have better luck doing min.
  6. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    So the levels you gain negate some reward of an item that has less stats than anything that can be purchased?
  7. Sir Opinion Alot

    Sir Opinion Alot Well-Known Member

    Just saying why smash a raid and get a crap reward I can join many and take my chance and just do min, 100 little items is better than buying 10 items, you say raid items dont help but if you mass enough they do make a difference, The point is i could have got alot more outta what i spent on that raid ANYONE that does 25% or more by them selves should get a good item. I was Top Tier I killed the boss and I was the overall top player in that raid so why dont i deserve a super. And if they dont matter even the lowers ones are better than boss or craft items and i mass 50 to 80 of them a raid and so yeah it makes a hell of alot of difference. IN LCN raids alone i gained 50,000 in attack and almost 60,000 in defense off the items, if i was to play the game only way to do that is buy alot of expensive items. You are talking to someone who has 4.0 in Physics and Calculus I watch the numbers very close and i see the difference myself.
  8. Sir Opinion Alot

    Sir Opinion Alot Well-Known Member

    AND until they get the rewards right for people, I feel like i should just go and do min. since i smashed it and got a common why spend all the resources on one when i could have done 10 to 12 with the stuff i used and got 10 to 12 common items instead of 1. This right is here is why you got sandbaggers.

    GATMAN Active Member

    I feel your pain: It seams the more I do in a raid, the more chances i have of receiving a common weapon drop. I've done 4k in actions on many and received more superior drops then, verses when im doing 100 mill in damage (also common of me) just to receive a BS Common drop.

    It's frustrating for sure. I, for one, am done dropping my 200.00 bucks when raids start. I'll find something just as unwise to spend my money on, elsewhere.
  10. AXXO

    AXXO Well-Known Member

    I like the way it is, it's up to the user to share the raid with certain people could rely on. thus you know who will help you. we cannot ask or force them to do more damage because may be they are dealing their best. obviously you cannot put a minimum bar to raids that will make it look ridiculous, unless if you guaranteed superior item for all do the minimum. that's also might be loose as people will just do the min damage and owner get to kill. the way raids are going on is nice, there are issues with drops and heals but over all fine boss for me. only thing is you have to make friends. about sandbaggers, you can't stop it, so STOP making the raid public. I've seen lot of sandbaggers join to public raids. so make it private, hand pick players. Mitch told this in the very first raid.
    GOING TO CATCH DAVID and Kirsten like this.
  11. C.A.S.H.

    C.A.S.H. Member

    If someone is putting 10 mil in, I wouldn't call them a sandbagger. Even min ammount 1000-1000 isn't really sandbagging. Doing 1 attack and no healing is sandbagging. But alas, that is the chance at public, as pretty much all have stated.
    As for award drops, perhaps because some players do drop amazing amounts of effort into one or 2 raids, what would be the pros/cons of setting up a secondary damage/heal tier? Similar as to whats seen in co-op bosses giving a specific break point as to when you no longer get common and are awarded superior. We know when you have 100% in coop, why not raid.
    Kirsten likes this.
  12. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    I agree sandbagging for me refers to those that do not do the min and just take a spot to be selfish so someone else can't , sure ya miss going back to a raid or two if ya have joined a bunch so having a complete bar like in reg bosses would help a lot when ya looking thru the ones already joined, and ya done have absolutely no intention on going back so invites r the way to go so if it is your clan/ friend you can send them a message as a reminder most appreciate that message

    As far as the drops it is random that had been stated over and over and yes doing x amount more makes it a possible chance for a superior but in the end it is still random
  13. nunya

    nunya Member

    Its that time again people..... Keep that sandbagging Black Hawk out of your Raid bosses......... Don't let that level 7758 take up a top 10 spot in your Raid so he can only do 10 million in damage at best...... Keep BLACK HAWK out of any raid bosses!!!!!! He will just ruin your raid and make all others have to do way more damage then they should have to......
  14. GATMAN

    GATMAN Active Member

    send me a link, im good for 10+10mill min, and than a couple extra im sure.
  15. nunya

    nunya Member

    well then keep Gatman out of your Raid boss too then cause he just said he is only good for 10 mill maybe a lil more and thats pathetic for a level 6102..... SO PEOPLE KEEP BLACK HAWK AND GATMAN OUT OF YOUR RAID BOSSES. THEY ARE KNOWN SANDBAGGERS.
  16. GATMAN

    GATMAN Active Member

    10+10 is 20 :) glad I had a chance to school ya. Im fairly positive that no KP2 server mobwars player can say with honesty that im a sandbagger. Probably why the raid links keep poring in and i will have done 50 or more if i choose to spend some cash, all with 20-50 mill in damage from me. Class is over, unless you require some detention time for your insolence!
    killer karaman and Kirsten like this.
  17. nunya

    nunya Member

    Class..... beyond stupid...... I have seen u in raids where u only did 10 to 15 million so go school yourself on how to be a honest person.
  18. GATMAN

    GATMAN Active Member

    Show us who you really are, whats your link, and the raid links of you putting in work! You speak the truth, i have been in a few and only did 10-15 mill, I have been in raids where i've done over 100mill and there are more of those I have been in verses 10-15 mill raids.
  19. nunya

    nunya Member

    I am nun need I say more? KEEP BLACK HAWK AND HIS PAL GATMAN OUT OF YOUR RAIDS. Black hawk is the biggest sandbagger in all of mob wars and gatman backs up black hawk even though black hawk is a massive sandbagger. Don't let your raid boss be ruined by letting in Black Hawk.
  20. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    All that is needed or required is 2,000 actions of which 1,000 are heal actions, as long as someone does that what right does anyone have to say anything, now if someone takes a spot and does 10 actions and never comes back, of which there are alot of those types,just to take a spot ,then ya have something to complain about anyone that opens a boss should be able to take it down ,and not expect others to, that is what is really fair.
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