[ZS] Punch Question

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by kamikazeweasel, Aug 8, 2015.


If I had 1000 attack and 50000 health, Whats the best possible punch I can deal:

  1. A - 1000

    0 vote(s)
  2. B - 2500

  1. kamikazeweasel

    kamikazeweasel Active Member

    If I had 1000 attack and 50000 health, Whats the best possible punch I can deal
    just trying to win a bet
  2. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    2500 punch top's as long as opponent has higher or equal health of your 50k, and luck. No clue why did a poll for it, it's common knowledge max health/20= max achievable.
    Dale Barrie likes this.
  3. Dale Barrie

    Dale Barrie Active Member

    Same as what JADES said
  4. kamikazeweasel

    kamikazeweasel Active Member

    so attack does not limit your punching ability
  5. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    Nope, you could have 1 attack or 50k attack, it's dependent on health only of the two players.

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