[PC] October 14th Update - Kano Chat

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Loren, Oct 15, 2011.

  1. Loren

    Loren Administrator

    Due to some connection errors, we had to retract our BETA launch of the Kano Chat last night. Even thought it was only available for a limited time, we were able to obtain some solid feedback from the players and are taking the time to implement some of them. Look for another launch attempt of Kano Chat on Monday, in the meantime here are some updates we are working on.

    - Kano Chat now includes a Close button, if you absolutely do not want to see any Chat information you can Close the Chat window. The next time you visit the game, the chat window will be minimized.
    - Message syntax enforcements were put in place: in order to post to the World you must post /w in front of your message, in order to post to your Armada you must post /a in front of your message. Any message that does not conform, flat out fails.

    If you purchased any Speakers, they will be there when we re-release. Any players that had a chance to use Kano Chat, please feel free to post any additional feedback here and we can look at feasibility.

    Thanks for your patience on this.

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