Improving competition and stability in Faction seasons

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Eric, Jul 26, 2012.

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  1. Eraser

    Eraser Member


    How do you "game" the system if points are uncapped. Id really like to know.

    Whats easy to do is stick 4 or 5 extra alts, and share passowords to gain gamerpoints when your on vaccation, or moving whatever what have you.

    The system that you are keeping is easy to "game" I see counting every action as impossible to game.

    Even with things like "attacking your own faction memebers" as as alka says. People already do that because our fight list are dry. Ive already expressed that attacking hitlist would NOT help, because you will need to level up to get more points...

    Change the variable of how much more points a fight gets you than a boss attack and you wolnt see any problems with this!

    So HOW is it that its easy to game the system? What could somone do, that you could not create a deterrent for?

    I really have no idea why you would offer this as a general discussions if you where not going to listen to the players.

    -I give you my thread, and show you all the support it recieved. You ignore every word contained and call it a grind.

    -I compromise for 1 hours worth of actions being anyone can enjoy thier own account for 1 hour. you tell me actions should be reduced to weight more on leveling. I tell you less actions would not weight leveling more because they yet have no weight, and furthermore, there is NO EXISTING BALANCE TO HOW MUCH ONE LEVEL IS WORTH TO ANOTHER, Slave tells you there are people out there that DO NOT WANT TO LEVEL as a strategy. We both tell you, World boss hits is a fair way of a tiebreaker. You Ignore all this totally, and just say you're going to release as a "level up" tie breaker anyway.

    -I tell you the reason punches ambushes and hitlist are not "endorsed" is because when you do, Support mail increases, and bogs down the development. "Will consider in the future".

    -I ask that this thread be included in the News feed, so gamers be informed of this very important thread. 2 weeks of "TGIF" are released since, and not word mentioned about faction competition in the works. This is important. More people have a voice that needs to be heard.

    Your Ignorance offends me greatly.

    Take your time with this, and DO IT RIGHT. This is the game i play. I dont want you halfassing it. This is a problem gone on too long already. We need more than a bandaid on this one.

    "You cant make everyone happy" Sucessfully. You have made NOBODY happy. well, maybe a few cheaters. Good job. I am The only one that noticed.... NOT a single person has said they where happy with your proposed update? Why is it a "proposal" If you are just going to release it anyway Even if NOT A SOUL is happy with it.

    So really eric, Lets hear it since it will never be realeased anyway... Hint us in some way that uncapped gamerpoints could be cheated, and be ready for me to tell you how you're wrong.
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2012
  2. alka

    alka Banned

    So yer keeping it as it is and not changing it but might change it later!!!
    I guess what yer saying is you'll bury yer heads in the sand, hope it all dies down and do nothing. However, if peeps still keep complaining then you'll have to get off yer asses and do some changes.
    I bet your staff turnover is massive!!!!!
  3. slave

    slave Member

    I'll tell you why skywalker.....
    they are afraid of any system where playing players will win without the little man having a chance, they want to keep something simple, without making it a "grind" even though if you want to get ahead in this game, you have to grind, you want to get the hitlist achievements, be prepared to wear out a few mice, you want to get 250,000 fights won, be prepared to run 40 on every opponent every chance you get, but neither of those are "grinds" right? Wrong, the only way to get them is to grind, show me someone who gets 250,000 fight wins without grinding, show me someone with 10,000 fightlist kills who hasnt spammed the hitlist tab half a million times in hopes to see a bounty flash on their screen. show me someone with 5 billion zombies killed who doesnt put in some time.....

    no what they are afraid of if they uncap gamer points is this, it will all of a sudden be clear as to how few people are playing and how many alternate accounts are filling the can only play one account at a time, and the proof will be in the pudding
    and it will be very very easy to see whos playing and whos pretending....
    and thats a road kano doesnt want to go down

    As far as this tiebreaker goes, its better than a login contest, but skywalker you are right, im not sure why we continue to give good playable ideas when they go with what they want to do anyway......

    it still wont solve the alt factions from logging in and completing thier minimalist gps and hoping that a playing faction of real players will have a real person who has real life situations that will miss a day and that alt faction will still be winning.

    I speak for the playing players Eric, give us a faction contest that is real and these alt factions will disappear, there will be no point to them anylonger once you allow real playing stats as a true measure of competition, not 17 fights, not 4 boss helps, not accepting 5 gifts, not doing 4 outbreaks.......thats not a real competition, thats a joke....

    every day i log in, i try to get AS MANY fight wins as possibles, i try to maximize out challenge and boss helps, i do as many outbreaks as i can, i try to level up as much as possible (why? I want to be number 1), i do this each day and every day that i can, and i would like my faction to enjoy the fruits of my labor when i do this, not to be counted the same as any account can and does do in 5 minutes......
    and then all the extra "grind" that i put in counts an nothing.....yeah thats a real faction contest.....
    Imagine a basketball game that only counts the first five points, the first three assists, the first two rebounds of each player, so each team rotates through their lineup to get those numbers...and then the first one that finishes "wins" does that make that basketball team the best?
    How about a football team, that cares about each reciever catching a pass, each runner gaining 20 yards, and each quarterback throwing the ball 5 times, who cares about the long as each player gets their minimum that will decide the true champion
    is that what im hearing? cuz i think it is.....
  4. slave

    slave Member

    i forgot the other obvious reason, they want it to be like little league, they dont want the less skilled kids to feel like they lost....
  5. Eric

    Eric Administrator

    All, we understand and hear your concerns and are working to address them. To be clear, we are open to uncapping gamer points and acknowledging other features in the game. We would like to introduce it into the system with the proper measurements in place and system stability ensured. Our first crack at this will be introducing uncapped GPs through levelling. Using this additional source for GPs we can solve the original tiebreaker issue and reward players throughout the entirety of the season and not just base the success on a Sunday night login (or whatever timezone has the advantage).

    As mentioned in my previous post, we'll be evaluating the level addition and will further evaluate other features in the game that can contribute uncapped points such as boss kills, world boss attacks etc. These main actions are already throttled themselves by the feature and will provide us with accurate and stable integration points to evaluate on.
  6. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    That sounds like a really good idea....its almost as if u guys have done this kind of thing Cool update, lookn forward to how it works out. TY
  7. Eraser

    Eraser Member

    There is no balance in leveling up. It does not exist.

    As i stated before... As a low level zombie slayer, i could level up 40 times a day in 1 hour of Play. And this was all the way up until level 800

    and slowing down in my levels was only for the sake, that i still wanted to be Strong when i got into the higher levels.

    I had next to no fight wins, I just attacked the hell out of my own bosses... Didnt have much squad, and the ones i did where posting far too strong of bosses, so I was not helping all that much (not even hitting my daily limits on outbreaks helps

    In this light, a lower level as I was... would get awesome Boss/outbreak gp... but still could be trumped by somone who was actaully fighting. In a level up contest, An account like mine in its smaller days, Would be a supreme power in a level up competition, while really only being an hours work.

    I just dont see it as fair, that levels would be the tiebreaker, when there are so many superactive players, that have low stamina/energy.. Fight away 90 percent of thier stamina, and rely on potentially 130 helps a day to get thier level ups.. (25 co-op joins, 25 single joins, 50 challenge helps, and 30 outbreak helps)

    They are leveling slower, but doing far more. would probably earn comparable favor points to somone that is just leveling up a ton the easy way.

    Id also like to say, Boss kills is not exactly a fair either, because you really have to do nothing but post the boss to get the kill. It should be whoever attacks the boss, that gets the point, not just the owner. Could cause hesitation for people to Damage (no just unlock, but truly damage) anyones boss outside of their own faction.

    All bosses are not created equal. Say my hilbilly co-op is a level 70 or so, will be much less for me to make that boss kill, than somone who has been playing for far longer, and thier hillbilly is a level 150 or 200 (having seen them much much higher than that). On the otherhand, just counting how many how many attacks you put in it, Would be equal.

    Its still not subtracting the altfactor either. The TOU players want it gone. i wouldnt be surprised If the people that feel like they have to put the alts in their faction to compete would be happy to see it gone too. one less little errond they have to do everyday, and give them that time to work on thier own account.

    Unless a faction of 14 real players and 0 alternates , can play hard, and get a better rank than a faction of 15 real players and 10 alts. Ill will never never see the gaining the number 1 rank in factions as anything of value. Its reserved for cheaters.

    How about adding a 2nd faction competition? Uncapped gamerpoints, but for a MUCH longer time. say 3 months instead of a week.
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2012
  8. alka

    alka Banned

    I would have thought your first crack would be to give us something to hit in order to level!

    Next you'll be saying we have no fight list because because we levelled to fast.

    GP's remain as pointless as they ever were, and if you think alts don't level, you'd be wrong..
  9. Eraser

    Eraser Member

    This statement got burried. I have to say, I support that, change up the qualifications. Not only would it variety the winners. It would also give a good feel to the game, of who is doing what.

    This would create more advantage to having a versetile account, which is much more difficult to balance than an account geared for one purpouse, but also, another advantage would be rotating, If you are stacked to do one thing, It will create an occational advantage to player X, while still offering an advantage later to player Y.

    I think with this installed, You could offer more than one type of trophy too. offer the 5 different kinds of trophies, fights, outbreaks, boss, help and a season that combines all the actions too.

    I would be more impressed with a faction that was able to win multiple, or ALL types of trophies, than a faction that mastered only one.

    sounds like an everybody wins kind of deal to me. just thought I would 2nd that statement. Its an excellent idea, for any faction competition.

    On a slightly off topic. I would like Kano to consider that Once the new competition is ironed out, whatever that may be and developed to, out of the beta testing stages. The revised competition wins a trophy that looks different, and counted separate from the old competition.

    Old trophies still accredited of course.
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2012
  10. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    Alts in all games and yes they switch out people all the time to get that , choosing my words carefully "" trophy" pfffft who cares about a trophy, I am not getting up at 2:00 am and will not be in a guild, armada, syndicate or faction that finds that part of the game important
  11. slave

    slave Member

    You wont have to get up at any certain time if they change the tiebreaker linda, cuz then the season will actually be a full seven days, not six days and a login contest.

    Its a start, its still not great, the minimum standards are still too low to be considered any kind of top faction contest, all it measures is if all 25 accounts do the minimums each week.

    but it appears we must take baby steps, cuz kano is not sure they want to have or give us a real faction contest that is determined by players playing hard.
  12. Eraser

    Eraser Member

    Well, Welcome to the thread linda. That is the issue we are trying to adress. We are discussing a faction competetion that you could maybe respect. Definatley removing the "wake up at a certain hour" part. That is unanimous.

    Its a lot of post into it, but if you read over it, You will see a lot of suggestions/arguements.
  13. I have one faction member so far that doesn't want to level. She knows that as one levels, the fight list, for a couple of reasons become a joke. She likes the balance she has now. Yet she's very active. Basically what you're proposing is that my faction gets penalized for having players such as this?

    Just uncap GPs and be done with it. Leveling has little to do with activity. If it doesn't work out, or people somehow "game" the system you can always take another look at the issue.
  14. slave

    slave Member

    when will the login race tiebreaker be replaced with the leveling tiebreaker? Shouldnt be too much code to make this change and its been another three weeks already....
  15. Eric

    Eric Administrator

    Hi Slave, we're planning on releasing the GPs for Level-up update in time for the start of the next season.
  16. Eric

    Eric Administrator

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