i want to have multiple weapon , vehicle, and gear unit how will i do?

Discussion in 'New Player Area' started by bovornwich, Dec 29, 2012.

  1. bovornwich

    bovornwich New Member

    untitled.JPG like this how will i do? please tell me
  2. Eraser

    Eraser Member

    The game selects your most powerful items for you.

    If you have more than one of your most powerful, those are the ones that will be assigned.

    as a new player, I would suggest you start looking around in the workshop to see what kind of stuff you can make. The workshop items have no upkeep, so once you're outfitted with enough good items to fight with, you can simple remove all your outbreak stuff (except the one that you are working on) and raise your income. by lowering upkeep.

    If you have a squad memeber that will post a single china boss, the random attack drops, (flaming basket ball) will help you fill up the weapons category very quickly by just putting your extra stamina into it between level ups.
  3. God of Bacon

    God of Bacon Member

    I think he was asking more along the lines of how do i bring the multiple into the game. You need squad for that. You can purchase hired squad for 10 UN points a piece(I'd suggest waiting to do that), or the better option, add people to your squad. You can bring a maximum of 20 squad into a fight when you first start the game. As you level up it gives you the option to bring additional hired squad in.
    hired squad.jpg
    That's my progress as far as hired squad. I'm level 1128 and currently bringing 7 extra squad into each fight, and I will unlock more as I level up. I hope this helped.

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