HSD Armada the new Official Gang

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Neck Snapper, May 7, 2011.

  1. Neck Snapper

    Neck Snapper Member

    Other Pirate Clan members have confirmed that the HSD Armada is the new gang in Pirate Clan. They battle, pistol whip and bounty together as a gang picking on whoever they with to.
    Their reward - Collecting the bounties in the HSD Armada group and I guess they just like being mean to other players attacking as a gang member instead of an individual.
    Not a very proud way to win a game I would say!
  2. crew of virtue is the myspace version.

    well even if there were no armadas this would still happen anyway

    kinda no way around it
  3. OK I'm saving this reply so I can paste it next time.

    steps for dealing with a bullying Group:
    1. Drop Upkeep, Raise Income
    2. Save Profile Links aka URLs
    3. Get Stronger... Alot Stronger
    4. Use Saved URLs to return punishment to said "bullies"
    5. Gloat and brag about how amazing you are to anyone bored enough to listen.

    Things NOT to do against "bullies":
    1. whine on forum
    2. retaliate when there's no chance of victory
    3. Whine on Forum
    4. Send nasty e-mails to said "bullies"
    6. make yourself a target by being on their radar

    Not sure I can be much clearer on this subject. I mean seriously, what do you expect Kano to do? Ban their accounts because they aren't playing the way you want them to? IF they are bullies, then beat the crap out of them. If you can't then play a different game, Try Zombie Slayers... you can only be attacked 40 times in a 24 hour period by the same player there.
    Last edited: May 7, 2011
  4. Neck Snapper

    Neck Snapper Member

    Do you even play Pirate Clan? Are you an HSD Armada member? Do you think you are KANO?
    I can beat them all but not all 12 at once. I have been playing longer than any of them.
    Get the facts before YOU start whining!
    Say facts or do not comment at all- You are cluttering up the forum Warlock!
  5. SkylerF

    SkylerF Member

    Really? Neck Snapper, you keep making NEW threads ranting about this. Correct me if I'm wrong, but most (if not all) of those other ones are still up.
    You post. Others comment. That is what happens on public forums.
    How is Warlock whining? He is complaining about your whining spam. If anything, he is RANTING (and so am I).

    I've said it before and I'll say it again:
    I don't have a problem with the HSD Pirate Armadas. There is a trine of players, NOT in HSD, that gang up and give me trouble the same way you say HSD is doing to you (and I believe you).
    My response to them? Set bounty traps, raise income, ask MY Armada for backup when I get killed every 5 minutes. Level. Level. Get better weapons/mateys/ships.
  6. Arguing over the internet.

    Special Olympics.


    Need I really say any more?
  7. SkylerF

    SkylerF Member

    :cool: You could point to my avatar. :cool:

    I decided against returning to my original Cat picture, and grabbed a new one referencing online hijinks.
  8. Small picture is small.

    Something about person + question + many people = shouting?
    Or maybe it's a bar of chocolate. mmmmmm I like chocolate! Can it please be chocolate?
    I'll give you a cookie (minus the chocolate chips of course, but you only really want the cookie anyway, right? )
  9. SkylerF

    SkylerF Member

    I laughed. Can I has cookie now?

    Funny comment is funny.

    Does this help?
    (Neck Snapper, I'm not saying you are this person, but that my avatar is a good complement [and compliment] to Warlock Tigerwolf's post.)

    Attached Files:

  10. Yes thanks that helped a bit. I still struggle to make out the question though.

    Is it an analogy? An analogy of what?

    A dyxlesic anagram of an angry goalie?

    Who knows i'll check back when i've had some of that sleep stuff and see if i can even see straight or something.

    Thanks for the clarification attempt though.
  11. SkylerF

    SkylerF Member

    Anonymity. Thus the ? instead of a person.
  12. I understand. I think. Can it be chocolatey nomnomnom nom time now?
  13. SkylerF

    SkylerF Member

    Nah, it's snooze time. And I'm not sure where my chocolate went, anyways.
    You don't have it, do you?
  14. Ace

    Ace Member

    Yeah, I get whacked by a few of them because I put one of them up a few times, so what? Those are the consequences for picking against an entire armada all by yourself lmao, get over it, they won't change their gaming style even if you write the entire bible.
  15. I had some chocolate. It has just been easter afterall. (how come we didn't get some sort of chocolatey killing device as a reward for the calendar btw)

    But alas... I eated it. All up. I think i have some more somewhere but i'm not exactly sure where i putted it.

    Anyways, you don't have it, do you?

    And to bring some relevance to this post..
    This HSD malarky. Big bullying brutes.
    If you can't beat 'em.. Make a thread on the forum whining about them!
    See how much that makes them leave you alone. Don't you feel better now?​
  16. LOL, I said in another thread that the HSD clan was my most hated person. They are pansies at a high level. They attack and when you get them back, they gamg up with pistol whips. Makes no difference to me though as I can beat a lot of them in battle, and have way more coin than most everyone.

    I've been bountied once by them in the past week. Kinda hard for them to keep you dead when your bounty starts at nearly a trillion a pop. :D

    Keep leveling, saving, and join a clan with other high levels.
  17. Me Warlock!! Me no clutter!! Warlock Smash, Warlock Bash, Warlock no whine on forum!!

    If you can't beat all 12 at once, then you can't beat them. See when I say get stronger a lot stronger, I mean beat them not just with attack, but with defense too. or, here's an idea, set a bunch of ambushes/counter attack/whatever for them.... AS much as you spam the forums with new threads about this armada. I'm about to start a Facebook account, Just to play Pirate Clan, Just to join them, Just to beat the ever living snot out of you.

    Thanks Skyler. You're always so much more eloquent at putting down idiotic comments than I am. I just don't have the patience after the 20th thread to stay that civil in my responses.
  18. SkylerF

    SkylerF Member

    The amazing thing is - I was up really late and already cranky. But my post was legible and within the boundary of polite.

    I debated reporting her (his?) threads as spam, but haven't gotten around to it yet.
  19. well let's see
    • 50% of the threads started by him/her are about this exact same topic.
    • 18/23 messages posted by him/her coincide with said topic.

    I'd be willing to bet that this constitutes spam.
    noticed he voted his thread a 5 star. I suggest the rest of us vote it 1
    Last edited: May 7, 2011
  20. Das liebe Beil

    Das liebe Beil Well-Known Member

    Another whine thread. Really, can't he/she not simply cast necromancy on his/her old threads and post there?

    I'm sorely tempted to build a pure cage pirate and chain the whole HSD and the Thread Starter.

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