Game History

Discussion in 'Bugs/Issues' started by Bolan Hoffbauer, Jan 18, 2015.

  1. I believe others has posted this before but some attackers are not in the game history list. Not a huge problem but would like to have it fixed.
    AlterEgoT likes this.
  2. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    Only happens to me when get listed, but agree.

    You forgot to vote Bolan, they like the ratings sometimes..
  3. Xextreem

    Xextreem Active Member

    Mm not sure but so far i seen every attacker in my list or its not at least i can not fine any problems with it. Or the have already fixs it. then /c this topic.
  4. cooterbrown

    cooterbrown Active Member

    When you get listed not all attackers show up on your list everytime. You can go into your rivals and see the ones not on your list.
  5. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    Not always, sorry to burst your bubble.
  6. Applejack

    Applejack Active Member

    so they don't always show up in your history OR your rivals? man, that sucks. they should at least show up in one or the other, i noticed that they didn't always show up in my history, but i thought that they were ALWAYS on my rival list.
    The Navigator likes this.
  7. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    Depending how long ya last on the board, the rival list can be so long, yeah not everyone may show up.
    The Navigator likes this.
  8. The Navigator

    The Navigator Active Member

    I'd say that ought to be fixed. What's the point of having a rival list if it isn't updated properly?
  9. AlterEgoT

    AlterEgoT Well-Known Member

    I've had the problem myself. But they show on my rivals so I just let it go.

    Frustrating though since you can't look at their attack strength numbers.

    And it can mess with the amount of damage you think someone is doing to your health leaving you vulnerable.

    But all in all it's rather minor. Annoying but it doesn't happen enough to be a problem for me.
  10. RainSunGone

    RainSunGone Well-Known Member

    just kill every1 you think might have attacked you, problem solved :p but yes it gets screwy from time to time....

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