August 5th- Developer Update (Booby Traps)

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Kendall, Aug 5, 2010.

  1. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

    Couple small updates mostly with Booby Traps:

    -small amount of XP is now rewarded per successful booby trap

    -BUGFIX: successful bounty traps were not being tracked, we are tracking them now and showing them on the profile

    -death XP has been reduced slightly, it is now 8% of your current level XP interval

    -the level at which a user can sync into negative XP from death has been adjusted lower
  2. Good work Kendall this game gets better and better :)
  3. The Whoorida

    The Whoorida Member

    Care to enlighten us on which level we can go negative? =)
  4. The Whoorida

    The Whoorida Member

    +77 vs. -1530 XP? Did we misplace a decimal point or something? That's not going to make any difference at all, it's like an ambush only it costs much more! How about adding a zero to it?
  5. Gina

    Gina Member

    :) agree an mostly with these 2 players or are they 1?

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