#2: Other Updates Needed for VC (World Boss, Battle Drops, etc)

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by PimpDaddyDuke, Dec 1, 2017.

  1. PimpDaddyDuke

    PimpDaddyDuke Member

    A thread for OTHER updates needed for Viking Clan. (Wide open thread for discussion). Feel free to add any in here, or agree/disagree with mine.

    #1 World bosses. The drops are absolutely useless for higher levels. World boss drops have not been touched in years. Could the XP per weapon be readjusted, modified so that higher lvl players could actually make use of a World Boss Weapon drop?

    #2 Battle Drops. The drops from battle drops stop at level 21,000. Even if some new weaps were added in 5,000 level segments vice 2,000 level segments at the higher end, this would be nice for higher level players. This used to be a fun part of the game to battle and get "rare" and "common" drops, but above level 21,000, there are no new tiers, and the weapons attack and defense are no longer useful as the overall A and D of the new weapons increases with addition of new cities, but the Battle Weapon drops are stagnant.

    Opinions anyone? :)
  2. Susanne Rautelius

    Susanne Rautelius Active Member

    Dromps fom them have not be in any use for very long. So now go to 1 more issue... Battle drops................. the stop at lvl 21001... was long ago that was in any use what so ever. Wen do some about that????
  3. ivar b jansen

    ivar b jansen New Member

    yes i agree on the world bosses those items are usless and it should be added new tiers for the battle drops as well kano addede new tiers on many things a few weeks back and battle drops should have been one of them in my opinion
  4. Susanne Rautelius

    Susanne Rautelius Active Member

    Or ya i see only levels under that do count? Rest if us do not. we pay any way? Surprise. So do now have eays open and see what you try do. and just like me do not hit a dam raid. Sorry no extra x-mas gift for ya :p
  5. PimpDaddyDuke

    PimpDaddyDuke Member

    Sus, they add new "RARE" and "common" drops at higher levels, and I am gonna start kicking your ass again!
  6. Susanne Rautelius

    Susanne Rautelius Active Member

    LOL kick what you want me rare care

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