[ZS] Tune your top squad outbreak help

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by doosip, Jul 10, 2015.

  1. doosip

    doosip New Member

    It would be neat if you could tune/configure the outbreak help you get from top squad. Similar to how you do with Daily Rewards (choose stam, energy, or both). So you could put somewhere "I want my squad to give me only cash" or "only kills" or "only XP".
  2. kamikazeweasel

    kamikazeweasel Active Member

    I like the Idea but it seemed to take a long time for the daily reward to be implemented so I wouldn't hold your breath. plus you may need more support than just me. Kano used to have an Idea section may want to post it in there to get more feedback.
  3. kamikazeweasel

    kamikazeweasel Active Member

    if you post it under ideas make sure you post a link here so anyone that's following the post or agree with you can join the idea post and vote accordingly.

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