kong/armor is dying

Discussion in 'New Player Area' started by Mike Lyons, Feb 25, 2014.

  1. Mike Lyons

    Mike Lyons Member

    less and less players are playing every day. I've kept track last 3 weeks. 9 out of top 40 players have not played at all during that time. Several played just a few days. Can you do a promotion on armor or kong like you did with LCN? Otherwise, I'm probably going to be 1 of the ones who quits it and just play it on kano2.:(
  2. Demonik1

    Demonik1 Well-Known Member

    why be like the others? stick it out and see how it goes...takes some time to build up a fan base
  3. Elise Falcony

    Elise Falcony Banned

    2 month ago lottery winners 1/5 was 250 every week

    Now every week i see 160-150 1/5 lottery winners
  4. Elise Falcony

    Elise Falcony Banned

    Boss Battle Details
    total vikings: 795
    fight started: 3 days ago

    One month ago - near 1200 players
  5. Demonik1

    Demonik1 Well-Known Member

    yes but one month ago we had a huge influx of new players cause of the kong promotion....before that we had about 200 active players or so, so it IS picking up and we've gained a few hundred in a months or 2 time....like i said, be patient and stick it out....quitting wont help those numbers any....you want more actives? promote the game on fb and any other social network youre a part of...instagram has gotten pretty popular lately, even if we get another hundred or 3 it would bring up total participation by at least 30-40%
    Kirsten likes this.
  6. Elise Falcony

    Elise Falcony Banned

    it is good idea. I want more active player to recruit to innercircle. Now im in 425 Ic but only 200 players dayly active.
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2014
  7. George Burd

    George Burd Well-Known Member

    There are a ton more active then when i started i stuck some came and left i delete my inactives after a couple months and bounty them
  8. Elise Falcony

    Elise Falcony Banned

    Legion of Tyr (Level 7 Aegir's Sea World Boss)

    Boss Battle Details
    total vikings: 702

    Naglfar (Level 6 Aegir's Passage World Boss)

    Boss Battle Details
    total vikings: 829
    fight started: 34 days ago

    Naglfar (Level 7 Aegir's Passage World Boss)

    total vikings: 694
    fight started: 5 days ago

    Freyja (Level 3 Vanaheim World Boss)
    total vikings: 774
    fight started: 33 days ago
  9. haggis

    haggis Member

    Freyja (Level 4 Vanaheim World Boss)

    Boss Battle Details
    total vikings: 677
    fight started: 4 days ago
  10. Elise Falcony

    Elise Falcony Banned

    Phoenix (Level 7 North Midgard World Boss)

    Boss Battle Details
    total vikings: 757
    fight started: 34 days ago
  11. haggis

    haggis Member

    That was last month?

    Phoenix (Level 8 North Midgard World Boss)

    Boss Battle Details
    total vikings: 661
    fight started: 4 days ago
  12. Elise Falcony

    Elise Falcony Banned

    Nidhogg the Dragon
    Boss Battle Details
    total vikings: 717
    fight started: 33 days ago
  13. Elise Falcony

    Elise Falcony Banned

    Nidhogg the Dragon (Level 8
    Boss Battle Details
    total vikings: 597
    fight started: 3 days ago
  14. Elise Falcony

    Elise Falcony Banned

    Legion of Tyr (Level 7 Aegir's Sea World Boss)

    Boss Battle Details
    total vikings: 702
    fight started: 31 days ago
  15. cricket_jumper

    cricket_jumper Well-Known Member

    I know the games need to reach a certain average rating for them to be promoted on Kong. I dont know about armor - but Pirates could really do with some promotion on Kong, it hasnt had any since it started. I left Vikings because it got so slow...
    George Burd likes this.
  16. JAMO2025

    JAMO2025 New Member

    whats kong and armor? game sites? not used them myself any good?
  17. JARVIN

    JARVIN Active Member

    it depends on what you mean by good. kong mob wars seems to be pretty active. lots of fighting and hits.

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